Afyon Kocatepe University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Department of Philosophy was established in 2001 and started education as regular education and secondary education in the 2015-2016 academic year. As of the 2019-2020 academic year, a Double Major Program has been made between our Department and the Department of Sociology, and our students can also graduate from the Department of Sociology.

The philosophy department provides an education focused on questions about our individual and social existence. The aim of this training is to be able to ask ontological, epistemological, ethical and aesthetic questions about ourselves and society as individuals and to seek answers. In accordance with this purpose, the undergraduate program is composed of historical and systematic courses related to various fields of philosophy.

As a result of systematic and successive courses, besides having philosophical knowledge, students are able to handle and express philosophically different areas of human activities, to have knowledgeable, conscious and consistent views on various areas of life, to understand the importance and necessity of listening to others, and to develop healthy dialogue. Students are expected to develop abilities such as acquiring aesthetic, political and moral sensibilities, recognizing logical errors and rhetorical tools in an argument, thinking analytically, putting forward persuasive arguments to defend their views, and critical thinking.

Department Chair

13 June 2016, Monday 3489 kez görüntülendi